Eternal Warrior - Game 1.

The tournament I am taking part in on Sunday has posted all the lists available to view prior to arrival, which given that they have already done the match ups, means I know who I am facing and what army they have (likewise they know my army list as well!)

So without further ado, my opponent for game 1:

Steven B

Faction - Grey Knights
Points Total - 1998

Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Grey Knights) [1110pts]

Lord Kaldor Draigo [240pts] warlord trait tenacious survivor
Frag & Krak grenades, Psyk-out Grenade, Storm bolter, The Titansword, Purge Soul, Gate of Infinity

Nemesis Dreadknight [ 225pts]
Nemesis Greatsword [10pts], Dreadfist [25pts], Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Hammerhand, Heavy Psycannon [30pts]

Nemesis Dreadknight [225pts]
Nemesis Greatsword [10pts], Dreadfist [25pts], Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Hammerhand, Heavy Psycannon [30pts]

Nemesis Dreadknight [195pts]
Dreadfist [10pts], Dreadfist [25pts], Gate of Infinity, Heavy Psycannon [30pts]

Nemesis Dreadknight [225pts]
Nemesis Greatsword [10pts], Dreadfist [25pts], Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Hammerhand, Heavy Psycannon [30pts]

Air Wing Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Grey Knights) [888pts]

Stormraven Gunship [307pts] 2x Hurricane Bolter [8pts], 2x Stormstrike Missile Launcher [42pts], Twin Assault Cannon [35pts], Typhoon Missile Launcher [50pts]
Stormraven Gunship [ 307pts] 2x Hurricane Bolter [8pts], 2x Stormstrike Missile Launcher [42pts], Twin Assault Cannon [35pts], Typhoon Missile Launcher [50pts]
Stormraven Gunship [274pts] 2x Hurricane Bolter [8pts], 2x Stormstrike Missile Launcher [42pts], Twin Assault Cannon [35pts], Twin Heavy Bolter [17pts]

My Thoughts

That is a small army, only consisting of 8 models... but each and everyone one of them is going to be hard to kill.
I expect to see the three Stormravens and one Dreadknight on the table top at the beginning of the game (giving him only 4 drops!)

Meaning without a seize I am going second.

Then in turn 1 I would expect him to overload my deployment zone by dropping all four units in reserve into my battle lines to aim for as many charges and close fire as possible.
Each Dreadknight is rocking around with 12 Wounds at Toughness 6 and a 2+ armour save, the Stormravens have 14 wounds each at toughness 7 with a 3+ save.

The end result is that none of my weapons will be wounding on 6's which is nice, the downside is that its mostly going to be 5 (well except for the Landraider's Lascannons, Plasma Weapons & Rocket Launchers).
It does mean that with some luck I should be able to down what I focus on, although alot depends on how much of my army survives without him getting an effective turn 1 charge... fortunately I have a number of models to allow me to bubble wrap with, so its going to be about protecting the HQ's for counter attacks, and protecting things like the Landraider from charges so that I can fall back from combat with some of the units, while bringing in my reserves to hopefully knock out a unit or two.

That said though this is going to be a tough game, and I think is going to require me to really focus fire, without a steal to at least do some damage to being with I think I will be lucky to kill more than a model or two.

Given that I expect all of his army (minus the Storm Ravens) within 9" of me at the end of his first turn, he will either end up with 5 of my units engaged in combat (if his rolls are good), more likely he will end up with 2-3 engaged, and that is going to severely limit my ability to deal with him.

In fairness, I actually think the Stormravens will likely charge, as doing so will simply tie up more of my army where it cannot shoot, crippling my turn 1.

It matches a lot of my expectations for flyers, and I wonder what (if anything) GW will do when they see the meta is heading towards a flyer heavy list (and no taking anti-air doesnt help if they then charge your anti-air in turn 1, lock it in combat, preventing you from shooting!) if I come up with any effective defences I will let you know!

Will be interesting to see how it plays out! This will be a tough game!
